My life's a rollercoaster.
Highs and downs
Ups I don't expect
Downs I can't see coming
Misterious mist of tears,
Hilarious laughter
Thoughtful assertive mind
Hilarious laughter
Thoughtful assertive mind
I'm a misfit
One day I'm up, another, I'm down. One day I feel dizzy from the height of euphoria, laughing and jumping with every breath, eating spoonfulls of life. Others, something unpleaseant tears me insides, devoiding me of any strength to go on, and my face with a mock smile resembles that of the Joker.
One day I'm up, another, I'm down. One day I feel dizzy from the height of euphoria, laughing and jumping with every breath, eating spoonfulls of life. Others, something unpleaseant tears me insides, devoiding me of any strength to go on, and my face with a mock smile resembles that of the Joker.
Su vida es una montaña rusa.
Arriba y abajo.
Un subidón que no espera,
un bajón que no ve venir,
misteriosos ataques de llanto,
carcajadas divertidas,
mente atenta y firme.
Es una inadaptada
Arriba, abajo así son sus días. Un día mira desde la altura de la euforia, saltando a carcajadas, comiéndose la vida a bocanadas. Otros su cara con la mueca de una sonrisa, se parece al Joker con la boca rota.
The English version is in fisrt person singular and the Spanish one is in third person singular.
The English version is in fisrt person singular and the Spanish one is in third person singular.
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